At Adiyogi Rudraksha and Gemstones , which is tucked away in the vibrant city of Bangalore, we offer genuine, premium Rudraksha beads to our clients along with advice on how to take care of them. Since our inception in 2003, Adiyogi Rudraksha and Gemstones has been on a divine mission, rooted deeply in devotion and spirituality, to provide genera… Read More

[5:44 PM] Raja Kantharaj### Adiyogi the Shiva: The Embodiment of Cosmic Energy Adiyogi, the first yogi, represents the origin of yogic science. Shiva, in his form as Adiyogi, is a symbol of the ultimate potential that resides within every individual. His teachings encompass the essence of spiritual awakening, inner peace, and boundless energy. At A… Read More

Ardra - Should your beginning nakshatra is Ardra, then the ruling Earth is rahu, therefore a single should go for 8 mukhi rudraksha.The rudraksh will help in curing a number of following disorder such as lungs, ft’s, or eyes.In this post, we delve into the reasons why folks elect to dress in Rudraksha beads plus the spiritual and wellbeing G… Read More